Sunday, February 13, 2011

An Obese Person Has Health Risks

An obese person faces more health risks than a person of average weight. Being that overweight can cause issues like difficulty finding clothes that fit and even sometimes difficulty fitting into seats in places like airplanes and theaters. An obese person also is at much higher risk of things like heart attack and stroke.

An obese person is generally someone who is more than 40 to 75 pounds overweight. A person is considered morbidly obese if they weight 100 pounds or more what they should. Both of these conditions carry elevated health risks.

When you’re obese, your body is carrying more weight than it was designed to carry. This puts extra pressure on bones, muscles and joints. If you think about how much harder it is to carry a sack full of 50 pounds than it is to carry one with 5 pounds, it’s easier to see the burden put on your frame.

Because bones are strong and rugged, the extra weight takes its toll on the weakest part of your frame: the joints. Joints like hips, ankles and knees are at particular risk, because the weight of the entire upper body falls up on them.

Joints are naturally our bodies’ weakest spots because they’re the spots where the bones come together. The knees are at a particular risk in an obese person. The knee is a very complex joint that faces wear and tear with every single step we take.

When someone is obese, there’s much more pressure on the knees than normal. So each step puts twice, triple, sometimes four times the normal pressure or more on those joints. This causes the joints to wear out prematurely and is the reason heavy people often have trouble with their knees.

While hips joints and ankles are at this same risk, it’s the knees that generally carry the brunt of the weight and absorb the pressure, so this is where the injuries often appear first.

Aside from the extra weight on the frame and joints, all that extra weight puts pressure on the body’s systems, too. First of all, large amounts of body fat don’t just show up on the outside, but fatty tissue can form internally around organs.

And large amounts of body fat can actually crowd internal organs and put pressure against them. This pressure can cause the organs to start operating differently, and can interfere with normal bodily functions.

Because the extra weight requires more work of the body to keep going, often blood pressure is elevated and the heart has to work harder than normal. This can be a factor in heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

Also, the extra weight generally means that the person’s diet is poor and too high in calories. This is a major cause of diabetes, which can damage blood vessels, eyes and nerves.

In some cases, people may lose their eyesight or a foot or leg to diabetes because of poor circulation. The good news is that once an obese person starts losing weight, diabetes and other conditions can be reversed.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Quick Weight Loss Tips That Work

When someone says they want some quick weight loss tips, then no doubt some think that it is impossible to lose weight quickly and more importantly, keep that weight off! Well they would be wrong because it is very possible to lose weight quickly and keep it off, and it starts by employing some of the basics that we pretty much all know.

First of all make sure breakfast is eaten every day and a healthy breakfast at that. Skipping breakfast is not what anyone looking for quick weight loss tips should be doing. Eating a healthy breakfast will kick start the metabolism when you wake, after it has slowed down during the night. Think of it this way, your metabolism is like a furnace, it needs to be fed with fuel in order for it to work at its optimum best. So get your metabolism working as soon as you wake with some fruit, cereals and a glass of water and it will begin burning fat straight away.

Drinking approximately two liters of water per day is also a great one of the quick weight loss tips that work. Water keeps the body hydrated and stops it holding onto fluid which will make you feel bloated and increase your weight. Sometimes tricky to understand, but the more water we drink, the more water our bodies naturally let go of. Not only that, drinking plenty of water helps to lower the amount of fats that the body stores. So add water to your diet and you're bound to lose weight.

On the same note, salt is no friend to anyone looking to lose weight. Salt will make your body want to retain water which will give you that bloated feeling, so the more salt that can be cut out of the diet, the more weight will be lost.

What's also good to know when looking for tips to lose weight quickly, is that some foods require the body to work that much harder to break them down. The results of which are that your body will use up far more calories as it digests them. That means you can lose weight by simply eating these foods that include raw fruits and vegetables and also anything that is made out of wholegrain.

Furthermore, wholegrain also falls into the fiber groups of food and anytime we eat more fiber our bodies feel fuller than they actually are. So as quick weight loss tips goes, making sure that you are eating sufficient fiber, such as brown rice, wholegrain breads and also leafy vegetables is a great way to lose weight.

Without a doubt, including some physical exercise in your weekly routine will be of benefit. Not only will it help to lose weight, but you will begin to strengthen your bones and muscles and your stamina and mental abilities will also increase.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Can Water Help To Loss Weight

Two thirds of our bodies are made up of water – it's no wonder then that our bodies crave and need water to survive and so the simple answer to the question, “can water help to loss weight?” Is yes!

Drinking approximately 2 liters of water per day is often the quoted ideal for anyone wondering how water help to loss weight might be beneficial. Two liters of water a day might seem like a lot to drink for anyone not used to drinking water on a regular basis, but when you put it into perspective, spacing this amount of water out over the course of a day is not going to be difficult at all. All that needs to be done is for a routine to be developed and it will become second nature.

Using water help to loss weight can be a real bonus when you think that many of the times when we think we're hungry, we're in fact really thirsty and dehydrated. So instead of reaching for a snack the next time you think you need some food, try drinking a glass of water instead.

Furthermore a real fact is that the more water we drink the less water our bodies feel the need to hold onto. This might sound counter-intuitive, but if you are not drinking enough water then you will have a tendency to be bloated and that will increase your weight. This is because when enough water is not being consumed, your body goes into panic mode and holds onto the water it already has because it fears dehydration.

Therefore drinking plenty of water throughout the day will stop your body from panicking and holding onto water, because your body knows that it is going to be regularly hydrated. This means your body will get to the point where it will naturally let water go from your body and you will begin to drop the pounds. This really is one of the key elements of how water help to loss weight can work.

What water can also do if you're looking to lose weight, is to flush out the build up of toxins from the body. So start your day with a glass of water to rehydrate the body after a night's sleep. You will feel not only refreshed, but you will instantly kick start your body's metabolism after a night asleep.

So without a doubt, if you're looking to lose some weight, fill up on water and keep yourself well hydrated because water is the ideal drink to drink when you're looking to lose weight.

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